Jury Duty Boise Idaho Customer Service Number

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Find Official Address of Jury Duty Boise Idaho:

200 West Front Street, Boise, Idaho 83702, United States

Send your email to Jury Duty Boise Idaho at the above address or you can personally visit the place on the given address.

The Email Address to Send Email to Jury Duty Boise Idaho:

Communicate with Jury Duty Boise Idaho through the email address displayed above for any query, help, suggestion and feedback.

Call Jury Duty Boise Idaho on the Helpline Number:

+1 (208) 342-1080 / (208)287-7570 (Call by Touch)

Pick up your phone and call Jury Duty Boise Idaho on the specified contact number.

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HERE if the provided contact numbers, email address or website of Jury Duty Boise Idaho are invalid.

Know More from their Website:


Open www.fourthjudicialcourt.idaho.gov website and get all required information from there.

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What is Jury Duty Boise Idaho?

The jury duty is the jury service handled by the juror in the state court that should be impartial, free from any type of abuse or neglect and bias. The juror should respect his duty with proper dressing, should be present on time and should always abide by the laws enforced by the state court. The jurors in Idaho are selected for the jury duty by the court in regulation with the Idaho Code 2-206. The jury duty for the juror is for the time period that is mentioned on the postcard they receive for their jury service by the orders of the court. The juror has to be present for that particular time period for which they are appointed. The jury duty should be satisfied and if any juror does not perform his duty well has to appear before the court magistrate and is also terminated from the jurisdiction.

Services Offered By Jury Duty Boise Idaho

Jury Duty Boise Idaho procures diverse range of innovative services across United States Which includes:
  • Jury Orientation
  • The Standby Jury System
  • Five-Day Term
  • One Trial System

Connecting Address Of Jury Duty Boise Idaho

Customers can connect to the officials in order to know about the services by visiting at the address mentioned below:
200 West Front Street, Boise,
Idaho 83702, United States

Contact Numbers Of Jury Duty Boise Idaho

In order to get keep in touch with the officials for any kind of assistance regarding the services of Jury Duty Boise Idaho, customers can use the given contacts:
  • Telephone: (208)287-7578
  • eporting Line, after 05:00PM: (208)287-7570, ext. 1
  • For Emergency: (208)287-7171
  • Family Emergency: (208)287-7878
  • (208)287-7579 / (208)287-7589

Contact Jury Duty Boise Idaho

Jury Duty Boise Idaho resides at 200 West Front Street, Boise, Idaho 83702, United States provides here all the necessory details like helpDesk helpline numbers i.e. +1 (208) 342-1080 / (208)287-7570 by which customers can reach to Jury Duty Boise Idaho easily. Here on this page you can get customer service toll free helpline number of Jury Duty Boise Idaho.
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Go to Jury Duty Boise Idaho website that is www.fourthjudicialcourt.idaho.gov and get more information from there.

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Jury Duty Boise Idaho Phone Number, Contact Address, Customer Service