Idaho Falls Health and Welfare Customer Care Number

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Find Official Address of Idaho Falls Health and Welfare:

150 Shoup Ave. Idaho Falls, ID 83402, United States

Send your email to Idaho Falls Health and Welfare at the above address or you can personally visit the place on the given address.

The Email Address to Send Email to Idaho Falls Health and Welfare:

Communicate with Idaho Falls Health and Welfare through the email address displayed above for any query, help, suggestion and feedback.

Call Idaho Falls Health and Welfare on the Helpline Number:

+1 800-356-9868 / +1 800-926-2588 / 1-800-356-9868 (Call by Touch)

Pick up your phone and call Idaho Falls Health and Welfare on the specified contact number.

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Open website and get all required information from there.

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What is Idaho Falls Health and Welfare?

The Idaho Department of Health and Welfare is a government department that helps the people by providing them necessary services in the United States. Idaho Falls Health And Welfare Food Stamps Benefits, Child Support Services, Developmental Disabilities Program, Emergency Medical Services and many more services for the people. It also introduced Medicaid health insurance plan for the needy people to provide them medical treatment.

Use full Initiatives Taken By Idaho Falls Health and Welfare

  • Child Care Assistance: The Idaho Child Care Program offers child care assistance to families who are poor, by paying for a portion of child care. By this initiative parents can give all those happiness to their wards which they deserve.
  • Environmental Health Information: The main aim of the Environmental Health Section is to raise and protect the health of Idahoans by stoping or reducing exposure to hazardous waste s and substances, indoor and outdoor as well.

Contact Idaho Falls Health and Welfare

The higher authority of the Idaho Falls Health And Welfare department of health care in Idaho has promoted all the essential contacting information about the department, only and only for the purpose the desired clients or citizen can get all essential information about the Idaho Falls Health and Welfare. Besides to this, by the help of valuable contacts the people can know more about the events, facilities, services, Medical Assistance, Safety and much more other health related stuffs. Below are mentioned all the valuable contacting information about Idaho Falls Health And Welfare.

Child Support 1-800-356-9868
Food stamps, Medicaid, and other Assistance Benefits 1-877-456-1233
Optum Members 1-855-202-0973
Lost EBT Card? Call JP Morgan 1-888-432-4328
Report Child Abuse 208-334-5437
Report Welfare Fraud 1-866-635-7515
Idaho CareLine 1-800-926-2588
Central Revenue Unit 1-800-726-2952

Contact Idaho Falls Health and Welfare

Idaho Falls Health and Welfare resides at 150 Shoup Ave. Idaho Falls, ID 83402, United States provides here all the necessory details like helpDesk helpline numbers i.e. +1 800-356-9868 / +1 800-926-2588 / 1-800-356-9868 by which customers can reach to Idaho Falls Health and Welfare easily. Here on this page you can get customer service toll free helpline number of Idaho Falls Health and Welfare. you can contact them by their email address
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Go to Idaho Falls Health and Welfare website that is and get more information from there.

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Idaho Falls Health and Welfare Phone Number, Contact Address, Customer Service