Worcester State Hospital Address Phone Number

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Find Official Address of Worcester State Hospital:

309, Belmont St, Worcester, MA 01604, United States

Send your email to Worcester State Hospital at the above address or you can personally visit the place on the given address.

The Email Address to Send Email to Worcester State Hospital:

Communicate with Worcester State Hospital through the email address displayed above for any query, help, suggestion and feedback.

Call Worcester State Hospital on the Helpline Number:

+1 508-368-3300 (Call by Touch)

Pick up your phone and call Worcester State Hospital on the specified contact number.

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What is Worcester State Hospital?

Worcester State Hospital was a Mental Hospital of the United States of Massachusetts located in Worcester city. The hospital was official founded in 1833 in a old Worcester asylum building. In 1870, Merrick Bemis had started the construction work of this hospital which was completed in 1876 with the cost of approximately a million dollars. The hospital was closed in the year 1991, and then, Merrick Bemis had opened its hospital in new building in Worcester. From the beginning to current, the hospital name was changed many times. Before current name, the hospital was known as Worcester Insane Hospital until 1908. The hospital was added into NRHP on March 5, 1980. The hospital opened 24hrs. The address and contact number of Worcester State Hospital is also used for Worcester State Hospital Adolescent Unit, Worcester State Hospital Deaf Unit, Worcester State Hospital Jobs, Worcester State Hospital Records, Worcester State Hospital Demolition and Worcester State Hospital Clock Tower.

Contact Worcester State Hospital

Worcester State Hospital resides at 309, Belmont St, Worcester, MA 01604, United States provides here all the necessory details like helpDesk helpline numbers i.e. +1 508-368-3300 by which customers can reach to Worcester State Hospital easily. Here on this page you can get customer service toll free helpline number of Worcester State Hospital.
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Worcester State Hospital Phone Number, Contact Address, Customer Service