Vodafone Canterbury Contact Customer Service Number

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Find Official Address of Vodafone Canterbury Contact:

3 The Parade, Canterbury, Kent CT1 2JL, United Kingdom

Send your email to Vodafone Canterbury Contact at the above address or you can personally visit the place on the given address.

The Email Address to Send Email to Vodafone Canterbury Contact:

Communicate with Vodafone Canterbury Contact through the email address displayed above for any query, help, suggestion and feedback.

Call Vodafone Canterbury Contact on the Helpline Number:

+44 870 070 0191 (Call by Touch)

Pick up your phone and call Vodafone Canterbury Contact on the specified contact number.

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What is Vodafone Canterbury Contact?

Vodafone Group is the United Kingdom based telecommunication company that covers a large area through operating its network in 21 countries along with partner networks in more than 40 countries. The company was setup as Racal Strategic Radio Limited which is owned by Racal Electronics in 1982 and later it was collaborates the Racal Strategic Radio Limited with Millicom to create the Racal Vodafone. It is headquartered in London, United Kingdom. The company also has Vodafone Global Enterprise division which operates in more than 65 countries for offering the telecommunications and Information Technology (IT) services to corporate customers from April 2007. It offers many telecommunication services which includes Mobile telephony, Internet, 4G service, messaging, and others. It serves worldwide personal as well as business customers through its branches. The online way is also provided to shop wide variety of products such as iPhone, Samsung phones, travel charger, Universal case, SIM adapter, Screen protector and much more. It also provides many Benefits for the online purchasers which includes free delivery of products, 7-day return policy, store pickup and others. It used low frequency networks to increase the surfing and downloading speed of the Internet by operating its own 3G, HSPA+, and 4G network. The customers can also check coverage and network status of their area online from its official web . The company provides customized business solutions for the business customers like fixed network services, unified communications, Red Sharer and much more. There are many facilities offered for the registered customers like Online access to personal account, view and print bills, pay bills online, check usage, upgrade plans and much more. The wide range of post-paid and pre-paid plans are provided for its services.

Contact Vodafone Canterbury Contact

Vodafone Canterbury Contact resides at 3 The Parade, Canterbury, Kent CT1 2JL, United Kingdom provides here all the necessory details like helpDesk helpline numbers i.e. +44 870 070 0191 by which customers can reach to Vodafone Canterbury Contact easily. Here on this page you can get customer service toll free helpline number of Vodafone Canterbury Contact.
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Vodafone Canterbury Contact Phone Number, Contact Address, Customer Service