The Gas Company Customer Service Number

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Find Official Address of The Gas Company:

555 West 5th Street, Gas Company Tower, Los Angeles, California, United States

Send your email to The Gas Company at the above address or you can personally visit the place on the given address.

The Email Address to Send Email to The Gas Company:

Communicate with The Gas Company through the email address displayed above for any query, help, suggestion and feedback.

Call The Gas Company on the Helpline Number:

+1 213-244-1200 (Call by Touch)

Pick up your phone and call The Gas Company on the specified contact number.

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What is The Gas Company?

The Gas Company is the tower in Los Angeles California in which the headquarters of the Southern California Gas Company is situated. Southern California Gas Company is an Energy utility, service providing company. The company was actually founded in the year 1867, with the name Los Angeles Gas Company. The parent company of Southern California Gas Company is Sempra Energy, which is a natural gas utility based in San Diego, California. The main product contained in the product line of the company is natural Gas. The sister companies of Southern California Gas Company are Long Beach Gas & Oil Department (LBGO) and San Diego Gas & Electric.

About Southern California Gas Company

It was in the year 1890 that Southern California Gas Company was formed Due to the combination of several different gas manufacturing and distributing companies. It provides natural gas to the Southern California region of America. The total services area of the company is about 60,000 square kilometer. Anne Shen Smith is the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of the company. In the year 1941 the company started the underground storage of the natural gas. The company serves about 20.9 million customers. The company is regarded as the largest natural gas distributor of the California region. The service of the company is provided to approximately 19.5 million people of about 530 communities, with the help of over 5.5 million gas meters.

Headquarters Address of Southern California Gas Company

The headquarters of the company is situated in Los Angeles, California and the permanent address of the airline's headquarters is 555 West 5th Street, Gas Company Tower, Los Angeles, California, United States of America.

Contact Number of Southern California Gas Company

The customer service number of the company is +1 213-244-1200.
The customers can call this number to talk to the customer service representatives of the company regarding any inquiry or complaint.

Web Portal of Southern California Gas Company

The official online of the company is
The customers can visit the for any query or detailed information related to the company.

Social Links of Southern California Gas Company

Facebook page of the company

Twitter Link of The Gas Company

Linkedin of The Gas Company

Contact The Gas Company

The Gas Company resides at 555 West 5th Street, Gas Company Tower, Los Angeles, California, United States provides here all the necessory details like helpDesk helpline numbers i.e. +1 213-244-1200 by which customers can reach to The Gas Company easily. Here on this page you can get customer service toll free helpline number of The Gas Company.
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Go to The Gas Company website that is and get more information from there.

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The Gas Company Phone Number, Contact Address, Customer Service