Public Service Company Oklahoma Customer Service Number

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Oklahoma City, OK, United States

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Call Public Service Company Oklahoma on the Helpline Number:

1-888- 216-3523, /1-888-218-3919 (Call by Touch)

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What is Public Service Company Oklahoma?

Public Service Company of Oklahoma or PSO Oklahoma is wholly subsidiary of American Electric Power (AEP), which is the leading electricity providing company in the United States. It was one of the four divisions of CSW managed companies which were acquired by AEP. The Company is responsible for AEP operations in Oklahoma state.

PSO Oklahoma had started operations in 1913. The Company serves around 540,000 customers in Oklahoma state. Its head office is located in Tulsa. It has total capacity of 4,269 megawatts electricity generations. PSO Oklahoma serves 232 cities and spread in 30,000 square miles of area. The company allows the customers to stop, transfer and upgrade services through its online service. Its parent company, AEP has 63,000 km long electricity distribution system across the country. Besides Oklahoma, American Electric Power has operations other ten states across the country. Moreover, it also operates several companies like AEP Ohio, AEP Texas, Appalachian Power, Indiana Michigan Power, Kentucky Power etc.

Characteristics Of Public Service Company Oklahoma

Public Service Company Oklahoma is a high profile electricity generating unit in United States and it is commonly known by the name of (PSO). Public Service Company Oklahoma is one of the largest and prominent electricity resource unit in United States and it is promptly committed to deliver the electricity usage to more 5400000 consumers. Public Service Company Oklahoma enterprise was initiated in the year 1913 and its headquarters is located in Tulsa, Oklahoma City, United States. Public Service Company Oklahoma is reckoned as the leading electricity generating unit and it has capacity of 4,269 Megawatts of Electricity and it is serving the customers located in 232 cities and towns approximately located in the 30000 square miles of area. The prime objective of Public Service Company Oklahoma is to bring the live comfort and pleasure in the daily life of a common man due to its potent 24x7 hours power supply.

Key Contact Numbers Of Public Service Company Oklahoma

  • Safety, Hazards and Outages Assistance Cell: 1-888-218-3919
  • Customer Operations Center: 1-888-216-3523

Peculiar Services Offered By Public Service Company Oklahoma

Public Service Company Oklahoma is one of the leading electricity generating unit in United States and it is committed to deliver the uninterrupted power supply for consumers at most reliable plans. For the convenience of customers, Public Service Company Oklahoma is providing the online service through which customers can pay their electricity bills online sitting at home with the asset of credit card or MasterCard. Public Service Company Oklahoma has abundant power generating capacity of 4269 Megawatts and is rendering power supply to millions of customers. Public Service Company Oklahoma has 63,000 km electricity transmission lines across the nation and is delivering power supply in various states of United States.

Contact Public Service Company Oklahoma

Public Service Company Oklahoma resides at Oklahoma City, OK, United States provides here all the necessory details like helpDesk helpline numbers i.e. 1-888- 216-3523, /1-888-218-3919 by which customers can reach to Public Service Company Oklahoma easily. Here on this page you can get customer service toll free helpline number of Public Service Company Oklahoma.
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Public Service Company Oklahoma Phone Number, Contact Address, Customer Service