Parrot AR Drone Customer Service Number

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Las Vegas, U.S.A.

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Communicate with Parrot AR Drone through the email address displayed above for any query, help, suggestion and feedback.

Call Parrot AR Drone on the Helpline Number:

877-972-7768 (Call by Touch)

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What is Parrot AR Drone?

Parrot AR.Drone is a radio controlled helicopter made from Las Vegas, U.S.A. Parrot AR.Drone is made by French company namely Parrot. Parrot AR.Drone was launched in 2010 at international CES. The Drone can be handled by tablet, mobile, Android, iOS along with the software of Windows Phone, Samsung BADA and Symbian devices. Parrot AR.Drone have developed since a number of years and has launched various applications also. Parrot AR.Drone offers to connect with all the pilots of the world and provides flight tracking on the map of academy along with the favorite videos and photos of customers.

Applications Of Parrot AR.Drone

Applications like AR.Drone established in 2010 provides services of Pilot, photos and videos with iOS facility. AR.Race Two a piloting and multiplier gaming applications and also records the time from beginning to finishing line.
AR.Rescue Two made a rocket from the physical atmosphere clues through software of Drone. AR.Hunter is other application of Drone permits pilot to fix human Target with 3D space instruments.

Version 1.0 was established in 2011 having features like USB and Wi-Fi 802.11b/g, front camera VGA sensor, vertical camera up to 60fps. In 2012 Version 2.0 was launched with USB and Wi-Fi 802.11n, front camera of 720p sensor, Vertical camera of QVGA sensor.

Colors and Accessories Of Parrot Ar.Drone

parrot AR.Drone provides accessories such as Charger, HD Battery, Spare Parts, Flight Recorder,etc. Drone offers colors like Blue, Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Snow, Jungle, Sand, etc.

Controlling Devices Of AR.drone

Epson Moverio display, Microsoft surface 2, Nvidia Shield console, etc are managing devices of AR.Drone.

Social Media links Of Parrot AR.Drone

Facebook Id Of Parrot AR.Drone is

Twitter Id Of Parrot AR.Drone is

Instragram Id Of Parrot AR.Drone is

Contact Parrot AR Drone

Parrot AR Drone resides at Las Vegas, U.S.A. provides here all the necessory details like helpDesk helpline numbers i.e. 877-972-7768 by which customers can reach to Parrot AR Drone easily. Here on this page you can get customer service toll free helpline number of Parrot AR Drone. you can contact them by their email address
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Parrot AR Drone Phone Number, Contact Address, Customer Service