Midnight Velvet Customer Service Number

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Find Official Address of Midnight Velvet:

1112 7th Avenue, Monroe, Wisconsin 53566-1364, United States

Send your email to Midnight Velvet at the above address or you can personally visit the place on the given address.

The Email Address to Send Email to Midnight Velvet:


Communicate with Midnight Velvet through the email address displayed above for any query, help, suggestion and feedback.

Call Midnight Velvet on the Helpline Number:

+1-800-560-8151/1-800-549-0367/ (Call by Touch)

Pick up your phone and call Midnight Velvet on the specified contact number.

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Know More from their Website:


Open www.midnightvelvet.com website and get all required information from there.

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What is Midnight Velvet?

Midnight Velvet is an apparel product and accessories provider. It offers a wide variety of fashion products such as dresses, swimwear, outerwear, tops, sunglasses, scarves, belts, handbags, slippers, sandals, shoes, heels, rings, watches, health and beauty products. Midnight Velvet has Mobile applications for Iphone and Android devices with which the customers can access the company products easily. The company sells its products through retail stores and online. It also facilitates the customers to receive latest offers and updates though emails.

Concept Of Midnight Velvet

Established in the year of 1987 Midnight Velvet is a retail industry based in Monroe, Wisconsin, United States Of America. The Midnight Velvet is a highest standard industry that has achieved a full acceptance of their productions in the market. The Midnight Velvet has experienced and talented staff members as well as trained designers for their best inventions. The Velvet serves in the whole nation of USA with its unique features.

Products Of Midnight Velvet

The industry of Midnight Velvet consists a large production of things that includes home accessories, clothing, footwear, jewellery, health and beauty, gifts, etc. In home accessories the Velvet produces Bathroom, Bedroom, Fireplaces, Furniture, Kitchen and Dining, Window Treatments, etc. The Midnight Velvet produces finest and best crafted designs jewellery brands Necklaces, bracelets, watches, rings, chains, etc. Clothing such as swimwear, outwear, dresses, skirts, tops, etc and footwear like sandals, heels, boots, etc. Other accessories like handbags, luggage, sunglasses, scarves, etc and health and beauty products like fragrances, bath sets, makeups and many more. Gifts for kids, special occasions are also offered by the Midnight Velvet.

Social Media Networking Links Of Midnight Velvet

For Further Inquiry About Midnight Velvet The Customers Can Follow The Social Media Links That Are Given Below
Facebook Link Of Midnight Velvet

Twitter Link Of Midnight Velvet

Contact Midnight Velvet

Midnight Velvet resides at 1112 7th Avenue, Monroe, Wisconsin 53566-1364, United States provides here all the necessory details like helpDesk helpline numbers i.e. +1-800-560-8151/1-800-549-0367/ by which customers can reach to Midnight Velvet easily. Here on this page you can get customer service toll free helpline number of Midnight Velvet. you can contact them by their email address customerservice@midnightvelvet.com.
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Go to Midnight Velvet website that is www.midnightvelvet.com and get more information from there.

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Midnight Velvet Phone Number, Contact Address, Customer Service