Mapleview Mall Burlington Address Phone Number

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Find Official Address of Mapleview Mall Burlington:

900, Maple Avenue, Burlington, ON L7S 2J8, Canada

Send your email to Mapleview Mall Burlington at the above address or you can personally visit the place on the given address.

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Communicate with Mapleview Mall Burlington through the email address displayed above for any query, help, suggestion and feedback.

Call Mapleview Mall Burlington on the Helpline Number:

+1 (905) 681-2900 (Call by Touch)

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What is Mapleview Mall Burlington?

MapleView Mall most popular known as MapleView Center is a high class shopping mall in Burlington, Ontario comprising of two stories of retail outlets and various other shops. The name of the mall was originated from the two streets. it is located in Burlington, namely Maple Avenue and Fairview Street on Queen Elizabeth way. The mall opened in September 1990 and is owned by the Ivanhoe Cambridge Cooperation.
Initially the mall was built to accommodate local retailers and food brands as being located in a rural area such as Burlington expecting a limited number of visitors. Due to the huge influx of visitors as being a favorite hangout place for both the locals as well as people of nearby counties and also the goodwill built by the management, MapleView Mall was set for highly publicized renovation in late 2008. The management spent nearly $64 Million for thr renovation. The whole renovation process took nearly 2 Years ending in September 2010 commemorating the 20th Year of the Mall. The wide expansion adding nearly 100,000 sq ft enabling the mall to add more than 20 new retailers and a couple of full service popular restaurants namely Turtle Jacks and Earl’s resulted in expanding the space for Food court allowing seating almost double the people possible before renovation. The renovation of the mall resulted in relocation of major stores and also several smaller stores being closed which resulted in several prime stores available for pickup.
The hugely publicized renovation resulted in several upscale International retailers to open shops in the center and for the first time these retailers began expanding their market into rural Canada who until then was focusing their business in major cities of Canada only. Widely popular brands such as H&M, Starbucks, Michael Kohrs, GAP, Guess?, Element, Fossil, Apple Store, Zara, PINK, Victoria’s Secret etc. have now have their homes in MapleView Mall. The anchor stores of the mall are now the widely popular,The Hudson’s Bay and Sears.
Today the MapleView mall is major center for introducing Fashion Innovations by the major brands by holding their fashion shows and related activities and a true purchasing Haven for the fashionistas Frequent Holiday themed activities and purchase sales have also resulted in the rowing stature of the MapleView Mall among the children as well as adults alike.

Contact Mapleview Mall Burlington

Mapleview Mall Burlington resides at 900, Maple Avenue, Burlington, ON L7S 2J8, Canada provides here all the necessory details like helpDesk helpline numbers i.e. +1 (905) 681-2900 by which customers can reach to Mapleview Mall Burlington easily. Here on this page you can get customer service toll free helpline number of Mapleview Mall Burlington. you can contact them by their email address
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