Kiss Country Florida Customer Service Number

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Find Official Address of Kiss Country Florida:

194 NW 187 St Miami, FL 33169 United States

Send your email to Kiss Country Florida at the above address or you can personally visit the place on the given address.

The Email Address to Send Email to Kiss Country Florida:

Communicate with Kiss Country Florida through the email address displayed above for any query, help, suggestion and feedback.

Call Kiss Country Florida on the Helpline Number:

+1 (305) 654-1700 / (305) 455-3550 / (305) 455-3580 (Call by Touch)

Pick up your phone and call Kiss Country Florida on the specified contact number.

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What is Kiss Country Florida?

Kiss Country is the radio station which operates on 99.9 frequencies. It organizes various radio events which are Very popular among people. In order to attract more listeners the radio station also gives awards to participants. Listeners also can register themselves and avail various services like special offers, email updates and many more. For Song request send text message KISS to 56121. As one of the leading and major radio station in Florida, United States, it is fully possessed by the leading broadcasting radio commonly known as CBS Radio, that is a dominated radio broadcasting in New York United States. CBS was commenced in the year 1928 and then in the year 1997 it was reactivated as broadcasting and finally it was activated as CBS radio in the year of 2005. Kiss Country has earned a valuable status in the region and got respect as well, it mainly serves the South Florida and branding at 99.9 Kiss country.

Some Important Contact Details Kiss Country Florida

The Radio authority has provided the important contact details, so that, the listeners or customers can get all the related information about the Kiss Country radio, as well as get know more about services and assistance provided by the major radio broadcasting. By the help of these valuable contacts people can be get in-touch with the association and can share their views with the radio. Below are mentioned the important contacts of Kiss Country Florida.

Main Phone Number of Kiss Country Florida
Phone: 305-654-1700
Contact Number For Call-In and Contests of Kiss Country Florida
Phone: 866-954-0999
General Fax Number of Kiss Country Florida
Fax: (305) 654-1715

For Contest prize information or ticket winner inquiries
Have questions, comments or concerns
For Event Partnerships and Community Outreach
For issues with the
For digital advertising
If you are interested in advertising on WKIS
E-mail: e-mail

Contact Number For Sales
Phone: (305) 455-3540
Contact Number For Service
Phone: (305) 455-3550
Contact Number For Parts
Phone: (305) 455-3580
General Business Hours of Kiss Country Florida: 8:30AM – 5:30PM

Contact Kiss Country Florida

Kiss Country Florida resides at 194 NW 187 St Miami, FL 33169 United States provides here all the necessory details like helpDesk helpline numbers i.e. +1 (305) 654-1700 / (305) 455-3550 / (305) 455-3580 by which customers can reach to Kiss Country Florida easily. Here on this page you can get customer service toll free helpline number of Kiss Country Florida. you can contact them by their email address
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Go to Kiss Country Florida website that is and get more information from there.

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Kiss Country Florida Phone Number, Contact Address, Customer Service