John Hancock Long Term Care Customer Service Number

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Find Official Address of John Hancock Long Term Care:

601 Congress Street Boston, Massachusetts, United States

Send your email to John Hancock Long Term Care at the above address or you can personally visit the place on the given address.

The Email Address to Send Email to John Hancock Long Term Care:

Communicate with John Hancock Long Term Care through the email address displayed above for any query, help, suggestion and feedback.

Call John Hancock Long Term Care on the Helpline Number:

1-800-377-7311 (Call by Touch)

Pick up your phone and call John Hancock Long Term Care on the specified contact number.

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What is John Hancock Long Term Care?

John Hancock Long Term Care is a financial product, offered by John Hancock Financial Company in the United States. The Company is an operating subsidiary of Manulife Financial Corporation, a Canadian Insurance Company. Its headquarters is located in Boston, Massachusetts. John Hancock provides the retail insurance products by the means of John Hancock Financial Network, which is also a subsidiary of Manulife.

John Hancock Long Term Care Features

John Hancock Financial Company was come into the existence in the year of 1861. The Company was named after John Hancock, who was the main patriot. The operations of the company were acquired by Manulife Financial in 2004. Addition to John Hancock Long Term Care plans, the insurance company also provides Life Insurance, mutual funds, retirement plans and many insurance solutions to the United States residents. John Hancock Long Term Care provides the long term financial support to the policyholders at the time of illness and unfortunate accidents. The Insurance plan support the customers throughout the life phases. The Insurance Company has divided the plans into two categories; these are Individual and Group Long-Term insurance plans. Under both the categories, it offers wide range of John Hancock Long Term Care plans by the means of financial professionals and associations.

John Hancock Long Term Care Plans Purchased through your Employer Customer Service Number:


Availability of John Hancock Long Term Care on the Social Media Webs:

Policyholders can also find all the latest offers of John Hancock Long Term Care on the social media s. Here, we provide the direct links of its official accounts.

John Hancock Long Term Care Facebook Account Link:

John Hancock Long Term Care Twitter Account Link:

John Hancock Long Term Care Tumblr Account Link: hancock mutual life insurance company

John Hancock Long Term Care Google Plus Account Link:

Contact John Hancock Long Term Care

John Hancock Long Term Care resides at 601 Congress Street Boston, Massachusetts, United States provides here all the necessory details like helpDesk helpline numbers i.e. 1-800-377-7311 by which customers can reach to John Hancock Long Term Care easily. Here on this page you can get customer service toll free helpline number of John Hancock Long Term Care.
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John Hancock Long Term Care Phone Number, Contact Address, Customer Service