Group Health Everett Customer Service Number

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Find Official Address of Group Health Everett:

2930 Maple Street, Everett, Washington 98201, United States

Send your email to Group Health Everett at the above address or you can personally visit the place on the given address.

The Email Address to Send Email to Group Health Everett:

Communicate with Group Health Everett through the email address displayed above for any query, help, suggestion and feedback.

Call Group Health Everett on the Helpline Number:

+1 (425) 261-1500 (Call by Touch)

Pick up your phone and call Group Health Everett on the specified contact number.

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What is Group Health Everett?

Group Health is a not for profit health care system based in Everett. It is an organization that provides health and wellness resources along with pharmacy services, drug related services and special health care plans. It is the subsidiary of Group Health Options and KPS Health Plans that serves most of the residents of United States. It promotes fitness, disease prevention through community engagement, implementation Strategy and Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA). It is basically a cooperation that leads to community involvement and provides proper medical coverage with their professional medical staff. Group Health was founded in 1947 and has its headquarters located at Seattle, Washington.

Introduction To Group Health Everett

Originated in the year of 1945 on December 22 the Group Health is a healthcare company headquartered in Seattle, Washington, United States Of America. Group Health company is a reputable organization that has made a perfect position in the whole nation of United States Of America. The Company has highly educated, trained and skilled employees that focuses at the well being and health of the patients and gained their satisfaction at every level. Group Health industry also operates in Everett, Washington, United States Of America.

Contacting Number Of Group Health Everett

Foe Every Type Of Inquiry About Group Health Everett The Customers Can Contact At The Mentioned Number
Contact Number: +1 (425) 261-1500

Services Of Group Health Everett

The Group Health company offers a number of services in Everett, Washington, USA that are provided with great benefits, features and care. The Group Health company provides all the healthcare services at best affordable rates. The services presented by the Group Health are like specialty care that includes Heart Care, Cancer Care, Dermatology, Neurology, Internal Medicine, Eye Care, Plastic Surgery, Allergy, Asthma and many more. Other Health care services like Emergency and Urgent Care, Interpretive services, pregnancy services, social work services, Eye Care Services and information through health and wellness resources, Northwest health magazine, etc. Group Health company also organizes many programs such as Fitness Programs and Discounts, Stop Smoking Programs, Transplant Program and many more.

Contact Group Health Everett

Group Health Everett resides at 2930 Maple Street, Everett, Washington 98201, United States provides here all the necessory details like helpDesk helpline numbers i.e. +1 (425) 261-1500 by which customers can reach to Group Health Everett easily. Here on this page you can get customer service toll free helpline number of Group Health Everett.
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Group Health Everett Phone Number, Contact Address, Customer Service