Dell Denpasar Service Center

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Find Official Address of Dell Denpasar:

Jl. Misol Island, No. 3-80, 118, Denpasar, Indonesia

Send your email to Dell Denpasar at the above address or you can personally visit the place on the given address.

The Email Address to Send Email to Dell Denpasar:

Communicate with Dell Denpasar through the email address displayed above for any query, help, suggestion and feedback.

Call Dell Denpasar on the Helpline Number:

+62 361-249355, 8563480 (Call by Touch)

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What is Dell Denpasar?

In 1984, Dell Computer was founded by university student 13 years old Michael Dell as PC's Limited and changed its name to Dell Computer Corporation in 1988. The first computer its own design, the Turbo Pc introduced in the year of 1985. In 1991, after selling of its first computer, Dell Computer got the place in the list of Fortune 500. The company mainly does Business in personal computers, servers, data storage devices, network switches, Lcd monitors, smartphones, projectors, televisions, printers, cameras, HDTVs, MP3 players and other computer related equipment. It provides its products in more than 150 countries in the world and In 2012, it had revenues of US$ 63.07 billion. Dell is the world's third largest PC vendor after HP and Lenovo which has its headquarters in Round Rock, Texas, USA. Get more details though the official of the company. Dell has one of its service center situated in Denpasar, Indonesia.

Contact Dell Denpasar

Dell Denpasar resides at Jl. Misol Island, No. 3-80, 118, Denpasar, Indonesia provides here all the necessory details like helpDesk helpline numbers i.e. +62 361-249355, 8563480 by which customers can reach to Dell Denpasar easily. Here on this page you can get customer service toll free helpline number of Dell Denpasar.
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