Bidhannagar Police Commissionerate Address Phone Number

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Find Official Address of Bidhannagar Police Commissionerate:

Police Commissioner's Office, Stadium Complex, Near Stadel Hotel, Sec-III, Salt Lake, Kolkata

Send your email to Bidhannagar Police Commissionerate at the above address or you can personally visit the place on the given address.

The Email Address to Send Email to Bidhannagar Police Commissionerate:

Communicate with Bidhannagar Police Commissionerate through the email address displayed above for any query, help, suggestion and feedback.

Call Bidhannagar Police Commissionerate on the Helpline Number:

033-40621111 (Call by Touch)

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What is Bidhannagar Police Commissionerate?

Bidhannagar Police Commissionerate is the Police commission of the Bidhan Nagar city. The commission controls and guards the rights of people, living in the city. Rajeev Kumar is the Commissioner of police Bidhannagar. The Bidhannagar Police Commissionerate has been installed in 2012. He is the commanding officer of all the police departments in the city. He is responsible for enforcement of law, investigation and safety within Bidhannagar area. The address and contact number of Bidhannagar Police Commissionerate is also used for Address of commissioner of police Bidhannagar, Bidhannagar Police Commissionerate contact, Bidhannagar Police Commissionerate map, Barrackpore Police Commissionerate, Police Commissionerate system and Police Commissionerate Gachibowli.

Contact Bidhannagar Police Commissionerate

Bidhannagar Police Commissionerate resides at Police Commissioner's Office, Stadium Complex, Near Stadel Hotel, Sec-III, Salt Lake, Kolkata provides here all the necessory details like helpDesk helpline numbers i.e. 033-40621111 by which customers can reach to Bidhannagar Police Commissionerate easily. Here on this page you can get customer service toll free helpline number of Bidhannagar Police Commissionerate.
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Go to Bidhannagar Police Commissionerate website that is and get more information from there.

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Bidhannagar Police Commissionerate Phone Number, Contact Address, Customer Service

We, the residents of Samabeto Co-operative Housing Society Ltd., BA-12, New Town, Kolkata - 700 156 are going to organise and celebrate Durga Puja including Laxmi Puja and Kali Puja 2018 for the first time : a) The above Pujas will be held in Housing Complex and will not encroach any public properties, roads etc. ; b) We will accepts subscription from gthe members of our Housing Society only and not from any other; c) We will use our own power resource of the Society; d) We will abide by all Govt. Orders and guidelines to conduct the Pujas. Necessary permission may kindly be accorded. Yours faithfully, Smt. Gopa Chakraborty, Smt. Sriparna Bose, Puja Sub Committee Contact No. 9432256872 mail ID - giri.

8/14/2018 9:53:14 PM